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An overview of Tuberculosis

What is Tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis (TB) is a serious illness that mainly affects the lungs. The germsthat cause tuberculosis are a type of bacteria. Tuberculosis can spread when a personwith the illness coughs, sneezes or sings. This can put tiny droplets with the germsinto the air.A type of bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis causes it.This bacteria is thought to be over 3 million years old. Knowledge of the diseasedates back to ancient Greece and Rome. Tuberculosis, formerly called consumption, wasthe top cause of death in the U.S. at the beginning of the 20th century.While it's largely controlled in the U.S. now, it still kills more than a million peopleworldwide every year.People with HIV/AIDS and others with weakened immune systems are at higher risk of gettingtuberculosis because their bodies have a harder time fighting the bacteria.


Type of Tuberculosis?

A TB infection doesn’t always mean you’ll get sick. There are several stages and forms of the disease:

    Primary TB. This is the first stage of a tuberculosis infection. Your immune systemmay be able to fight off the germs. But sometimes it doesn't destroy all of them, and they keep multiplying.You may not have any TB symptoms at this stage, or you might have a few flu-like symptoms.

    Latent TB. You have the germs in your body, but your immune system keeps them from spreading. You don’t have any symptoms, and you’re not contagious.But the infection is still alive and can one day become active. If you’re at high risk for reactivation,your doctor will give you medications to prevent active TB. This usually happens if you have HIV,you had an infection in the past 2 years, your chest X-ray is unusual, or your immune system is weakened.

    Active TB. The germs multiply and make you sick. You can spread the disease to others.Some 90% of active cases in adults come from a latent TB infection.

    Active TB outside the lungs. A tuberculosis infection that spreads from your lungs to other partsof the body is known as extrapulmonary tuberculosis. Your symptoms will depend on which part of your body the infection affects.

A latent or active TB infection can also be drug-resistant, meaning certain medicationsdon’t work against the bacteria.

Causes of Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis bacteria spread through the air, just like a cold or the flu. You can get TB onlyif you come into contact with people who have it.

When someone who has TB coughs, sneezes, talks, laughs, or sings, they release tiny droplets that contain the germs. If you breathe in these germs, you can get the disease. This is why people who have active tuberculosis in their lungs or throat are morelikely to infect others. You usually can't spread TB if you have it in other areas of your body. 

TB is not easy to catch. You’re most likely to get it from co-workers, friends, or family members with whom you spend lots of time indoors.

Tuberculosis germs don’t thrive on surfaces. You can’t get it from:

    Shaking hands


    Sharing food or drink

    Sharing bed sheets, towels, or toothbrushes

    Toilet seats

Tuberculosis Risk Factors

You're more likely to get tuberculosis if:

    A friend, co-worker, or family member has active TB.

    You live in or have traveled to an area where TB is common, like Russia, Africa, Eastern Europe, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean.

    You’re part of a group in which TB is more likely to spread, or you work or live with someone who is. This includes people who are unhoused, people with HIV, those in jail or prison, and those who inject drugs.

    You work or live in a hospital or nursing home.

    You’re a health care worker for patients at high risk of TB.

    You’re a smoker.

Signs and symptoms of Tuberculosis

If you havetuberculosis, you may not have any symptoms. That’s because the germs that cause this illness can live in your body without making you sick. In fact,most people who get infected with TB are able to fight the germs before they spread. Doctors call this “latent TB” infection.

But if the germs begin to multiply, you’ll become sick with tuberculosis. Doctors call this “active TB.” Symptoms may include:

    A bad cough that lasts 3 weeks or longer

    Pain in your chest

    Coughing up blood or mucus

    Feeling weak or very tired

    Unexplained weight loss



    Sweating at night

    Having no appetite

See your doctor right away if you have any of these symptoms. TB can be cured with treatment. Without it, it could be fatal.

Preventive measures against Tuberculosis

It may sound like a disease of the past, but tuberculosis,or TB, is still a real concern today. And as the old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth apound of cure. In other words, the best way to be well is to avoid getting sick in the first place.

How Is TB Spread?

A person who has the active disease in their lungs canspread it through the air. “Active” means the TB germs are multiplying and spreading in your body. If you’re in close contact with someone who has it, you can get it. That’swhy doctors advise those who have active TB disease to stay home and away from other people as much as possible, until they’re no longer infectious.

Stop the Spread of TB

If you have active TB disease, you must get treated right away. This might involve taking a number ofmedications for 6 to 12 months. It’s important to take all of your meds, as they’re prescribed, the entire time -- even ifyou feel better. If not, you can get sick again.

If you have TB germs in your body but they haven’t become active, you have what doctors call “latent TB.” You can’t spread thedisease to others. But your doctor may still recommend that you take medications to keep the germs from becoming active.

Follow these other tips to help prevent others from getting TB during your first few weeks of treatment, or until your doctorsays you’re no longer contagious:

    Take all of your medicines as they’re prescribed, until your doctor takes you off them.

    Keep all your doctor appointments.

    Always cover your mouth witha tissue when you cough or sneeze.Seal the tissue in a plastic bag, then throw it away.Wash your hands after coughing or sneezing, Don’t visit other people and don’t invite them to visit you.

    Stay home from work, school, or other public places.Use a fan or open windows to move around fresh air.

    Don’t use public transportation.

In countries with high rates of TB infection, infants are often given the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine,or BCG. Doctors in the U.S. don’t generally recommend it because TB isn’t a widespread problem here.

Still, health careworkers who spend a lot of time around TB patients might benefit from the vaccine.Doctors make that decision based on the health careworker and their unique circumstances.

How to know if you have Tuberculosis

You're at higher risk of developing active TB if you have:

    HIV or AIDS


    Serious kidney disease

    Head or neck cancer

    Low body weight and poor nutrition

Or use:

    Cancer treatments such as chemotherapy

    Medications for organ transplants

    Certain drugs to treat rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, and psoriasis

Babies and young children are at higher risk for developing active TB because their immune systems aren’t fullyformed. Children under 5, teens and young adults ages 15-25, and adults 65 and older are most likely to get active tuberculosis.

How serious is tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis can be fatal if you don't treat it. Over 1.5 million people worldwide died from tuberculosis in 2021. It's the second most deadly infectious disease (after COVID-19) and the 13th leading cause of death in the world.

But TB is treatable. The World Health Organization estimates that TB treatment saved 74 million lives between 2000 and 2021.

Tuberculosis Diagnosis

To look for tuberculosis, your doctor may start with a physical exam that includes listening to your lungs and looking for swollen lymph nodes

If they think you might have it, they can order TB tests.

Tuberculosis testing

There are two common tests for tuberculosis:

    Tuberculosis skin testing. This is also known as the Mantoux tuberculin skin test. A technician injects a small amount of fluid into the skin of your lower arm. After 2-3 days,they’ll check for swelling in your arm. You might get this test more than once.

    Tuberculosis blood testing. These tests, also called interferon-gamma release assays (IGRAs), measure the response when TB proteins are mixed with a small amount of your blood.

Tuberculosis test results

If your skin test results are positive, you most likely have TB bacteria. But you could also get a false positive. If you’ve gotten a tuberculosis vaccine called Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG), the test could say you have TB when you really don’t.You can also get a false negative, saying that you don’t have TB when you really do, if your infection is very new.

Skin and blood tests can't show whether your infection is latent or active. To figure that out, your doctor can do:

    A chest X-ray or CT scan to look for changes in your lungs

    Acid-fast bacillus (AFB) tests for TB bacteria in your sputum, the mucus that comes up when you cough


Tuberculosis Treatment

Is there a cure for tuberculosis?

Most cases are cured with antibiotics. But it takes a long time. You have to take medications for at least 6 to 9 months.

How is tuberculosis treated?

Your treatment will depend on your infection.

    If you have latent TB, your doctor will give you medication to kill the bacteria so the infection doesn’t become active. You might get isoniazid, rifampin, or rifapentine either alone or combined. You’ll have to take the drugs for 3 months or more. If you see any signs of active TB, call your doctor right away.

    A combination of medicines also treats active TB. The most common are ethambutol, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and rifampin. You’ll take them for 6 to 12 months.

    If you have drug-resistant TB, your doctor might give you one or more different medicines. You may have to take them for much longer, up to 30 months, and they can cause more side effects.

Drug-resistant TB

Some strains of TB are resistant to antibiotics. Bacteria become drug-resistant because of changes to their genetic makeup. That can happen randomly. But when antibiotics are overprescribed or used incorrectly, this speeds up the process.

Whatever kind of infection you have, it’s important to finish taking all of your medications, even when you start feeling better. If you quit too soon, the medication might not wipe out all the TB bacteria in your body. Finishing your treatment also helps prevent new strains of drug-resistant bacteria.

Tuberculosis Medication Side Effects

Like any medication, TB drugs can have side effects. Common isoniazid side effects include:

    Numbness and tingling in your hands and feet

    Upset stomach, nausea, and vomiting

    Loss of appetite


Ethambutol side effects include:


    Painful or swollen joints

    Belly pain, nausea, and vomiting

    Loss of appetite



    Eye issues such as pain and vision problems

Some pyrazinamide side effects include:

    Lack of energy

    Nausea and vomiting

    Loss of appetite

    Muscle or joint pain

Common rifampin side effects include:

    Skin rash

    Upset stomach, nausea, and vomiting

    Brown urine

    Yellowish skin or eyes (jaundice)


    Loss of appetite

    Inflamed pancreas


Tuberculosis Complications

Tuberculosis infection can cause complications such as:

    Joint damage

    Lung damage

    Infection or damage of your bones, spinal cord, brain, or lymph nodes

    Liver or kidney problems

    Inflammation of the tissues around your heart

Tuberculosis Prevention

To help stop the spread of TB:

    If you’re traveling to a place where TB is common, avoid spending a lot of time in crowded places with sick people. 

    If you have a latent infection, take all your medication so it doesn’t become active and contagious.

If you have active TB, you'll need to take care to protect others from infection during your first few weeks of treatment:

    Limit contact with other people. If you live with others, sleep in a separate room and isolate yourself as much as possible. 

    Cover your mouth when you laugh, sneeze, or cough. 

    Wear a surgical mask when you’re around other people.

    Keep your space ventilated. Open windows, if possible, and use a fan. Germs spread more easily in poorly ventilated places. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Tuberculosis

Most people with the tuberculosis bacteria don't get sick. But active tuberculosis can be very serious, even fatal, if it goes untreated. It could permanently damage your lungs. If it spreads to other parts of your body, it can cause short- or long-term complications there.

Across the world, nearly 9 out of 10 cases of TB and almost half of cases of drug-resistant TB are eventually cured. While treatment can last several months, you might start feeling better in a few weeks.

TB is contagious in its active stage. But you usually need to have lots of contact with an infected person to get it. It spreads only through droplets in the air that you breathe in. Most people who are exposed to TB are able to fight off the bacteria and keep it from becoming active.

In 2021, more than 10.5 million people were infected with the disease. Parts of the world with the most TB cases include Southeast Asia, Africa, and the Western Pacific.