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An overview of Heart Value Disease

What is Heart Heart Valve disease?

Heart Valve disease is a health disorder that affect the heart. it is a condition where one or more valves that keep the blood flowing in the heart doesn't work properly


Types of Heart arrhythmias

What Are the Types of Heart Valve Disease?There are several types of heart valve disease:

Valvular stenosis : This occurs when a heart valve doesn't fully open due to stiff or fused leaflets. The narrowed opening may make the heart work very hard to pump blood through it. This can lead to heart failure and other symptoms (see below). All four valves can develop stenosis; the conditions are called tricuspid stenosis, pulmonic stenosis, mitral stenosis, or aortic stenosis.

Valvular insufficiency : Also called regurgitation, incompetence, or "leaky valve," this occurs when a valve does not close tightly. If the valves do not seal, some blood will leak backward across the valve. As the leak worsens, the heart has to work harder to make up for the leaky valve, and less blood may flow to the rest of the body. Depending on which valve is affected, the condition is called tricuspid regurgitation, pulmonary regurgitation, mitral regurgitation, or aortic regurgitation.

Congenital valve disease : This form of valve disease most often affects the aortic or pulmonic valve. Valves may be the wrong size, have malformed leaflets, or have leaflets that are not attached correctly.

Bicuspid aortic valve disease : This is a congenital valve disease that affects the aortic valve. Instead of the normal three leaflets or cusps, the bicuspid aortic valve has only two. Without the third leaflet, the valve may be stiff (unable to open or close properly) or leaky (not able close tightly).

Acquired valve disease : This includes problems that develop with valves that were once normal. These may involve changes in the structure of your valve due to a variety of diseases or infections, including rheumatic fever or endocarditis.

Rheumatic fever : It’s caused by an untreated bacterial infection (usually strep throat). Luckily, this infection has been much less common since the introduction of antibiotics to treat it in the 1950s. The initial infection usually occurs in children and causes inflammation of the heart valves. But symptoms linked to the inflammation may not be seen until 20-40 years later.

What causes heart valve disease?

Common heart valve disease causes include:

1. Rheumatic fever from strep throat that wasn’t treated.

2. Heart attack that damages your heart.

3. High blood pressure (advanced).

4. A congenital problem that’s been present since birth, such as a pulmonary or aortic valve that didn’t develop right.

5. Degeneration or calcification of the valve tissue, with loss of function over time.

6. Thoracic aortic aneurysm(dilation of the aorta, which stretches the aortic valve leaflets and can cause leakage).

7. Heart failure.

Signs and symptoms of heart valve disease

Some people with heart valve disease might not have symptoms for many years. When signs and symptoms occur, they might include:

1. Whooshing sound (heart murmur) when a doctor is listening to the heart with a stethoscope

2. Chest pain.

3. Abdominal swelling (more common with advanced tricuspid regurgitation)

4. Fatigue

5. Shortness of breath, particularly when active or lying down

6. Swelling of your ankles and feet

6. Dizziness

7. Fainting

8. Irregular heartbeat

How can I reduce my risk of heart valve disease?

Although you can’t change some risk factors, like growing older, there are things you can do that may reduce your risk of heart valve disease. These include:

1. Getting treatment quickly for infections.

2. Being physically active.

3. Eating healthy foods.

4. Staying at a healthy weight.

5. Continuing to take medicine for high blood pressure and/or high cholesterol if you have those conditions.

6. Not using tobacco products.

7. Not using recreational drugs, especially IV drugs which increase your risk for heart valve infection.

When should I see my healthcare provider?

You’ll need to schedule regular follow-up appointments with your cardiologist to make sure your heart valves work as they should. Ask your provider how frequent these appointments should be. Contact your provider sooner if your symptoms become more severe or frequent. You should also tell your provider if you have infective endocarditis.You may also need to repeat tests, such as an echocardiogram.

How is an heart valve disease treated?

How is heart valve disease treated?A heart valve problem can be serious if it’s not treated. Although you can’t undo damage to a heart valve, you can treat the issue.Heart valve disease treatments depend on the underlying cause and may include:Protecting your valve from further damage.Taking medications.Having surgery or invasive procedures if necessary.Seeing your heart doctor for regular visits.The decision to prescribe medical treatment, surgical repair or surgical replacement depends on several factors, including:The type of valve disease.The severity of the damage.Your age.Your medical history.If you’re pregnant and have heart valve disease, you can get extra rest and/or take certain medicines that are safe for your baby.If you know about your valve disease before pregnancy, you should ask your healthcare provider if any tests or visits with a cardiologist are recommended before trying to become pregnant. This can help ensure that you are treated appropriately before and during pregnancy. If you have a severe valve problem, your doctor may recommend valve repair or replacement before pregnancy.Surgical repair or replacementHeart valve disease is a mechanical problem in the opening or closing of the leaflets, and you may eventually need surgery to repair or replace your valve. Some infants and children who are born with a valve problem need surgery during childhood.Usually, the surgeon and cardiologist will know which treatment will be best before surgery day. Other times, the surgeon makes the decision during surgery, when they can see your valve.Often, valve surgery may be combined with other procedures (such as more than one valve procedure, bypass surgery or surgery to treat atrial fibrillation) to fully treat your heart disease.Heart valve repair allows your surgeon to fix your faulty valve, often without the use of artificial parts. In some cases, such as a narrow mitral valve, your provider may use a balloon on a catheter to widen your valve.The advantages of valve repair are:Lower risk of infection.Decreased need for lifelong blood thinner medication.Preserved heart muscle strength and function.Surgeons have to replace valves they can’t repair. Replacing your heart valve involves removing your old valve and sewing a new valve to the ring-shaped part of your old valve. The new valve could be a mechanical or biological (made with tissue from a human, cow or pig) valve. These replacement valves can provide adequate function when repair can’t. However, depending on the type of valve your provider uses, you may have to take certain medications to prevent blood clots or get a new valve again in 10 or 15 years.Depending on the type of valve problem and your other medical conditions, you may be a candidate for minimally invasive valve repair or replacement. Ask your cardiologist if a minimally invasive procedure may be right for you.What medications are used?Although medicines can’t cure heart valve disease, they — and a healthier lifestyle — can help with symptoms and decrease your chance of having a stroke or sudden cardiac arrest. You may be able to stop taking some medications after valve surgery, but you may need to take other medicines for the rest of your life.Your healthcare provider may prescribe medications to help you with:Preventing arrhythmias or blood clots.Bringing down your blood pressure or cholesterol levels.Treating heart failure or coronary artery disease.Your provider will review your medication information with you before you leave the hospital. It’s important to know:The names of your medications.Their purpose.How often and at what times to take them.

Complications of Heart valve disease

Older people and those whose health is not good to begin with have a higher risk of complications from valve replacement surgery.Complications, which are rarely fatal, may include:

1. Stroke

2. Blood clots

3. Atrial fibrillation or another type of abnormal heart rhythm.

4. Kidney failure.

5. Infection and bleeding

6. Death

Risk factors

Several factors can increase your risk of heart valve disease, including:

1. Old age

2. History of certain infections that can affect the heart

3. History of certain forms of heart disease or heart attack

4. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and other heart disease risk factors

5. Heart conditions present at birth (congenital heart disease)

Frequently Asked Questions About heart valve disease

You may be in the hospital for about five to seven days after heart surgery. After that, it can take approximately four to eight weeks to recover. Your provider may recommend cardiac rehabilitation, a carefully monitored exercise program to assist with your recovery.

If you have heart valve disease, you’ll have it for your whole life. However, your experience of heart valve disease depends on the valve affected and the severity of the problem. Some people may have valve disease and never experience any symptoms. Others may have many symptoms and require valve repair/replacement. It is important to follow up regularly with a healthcare provider to monitor the progression of your valve disease over time.

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People with heart valve disease should talk to their healthcare provider about the increased risk of getting infective endocarditis. This infection can greatly damage or destroy your heart valves and can be fatal. You are at risk even if you had surgery to repair or replace your valve. To prevent infective endocarditis:Tell your medical and dental providers that you have valve disease.Call your provider if you have symptoms of an infection.Take good care of your teeth and gums.Ask your heart doctor if you should take antibiotics before any dental procedures, major or minor surgeries, or invasive tests.